+420 702 277 644
Private games Private games

True private games

We will gladly organise a private shooter for you, which will create plenty of great memories.

Public paintball games Public paintball games

Is mobilizing your friends impossible?

We have a plan for you

Success is more probable, if a mission is detailed. If you will stick to our schedule everything will work out!

Before event(30 minutes)

  • Entering the area (arrival or free transport from nearest bus stop)
  • Welcome greetings on reception and formalities (registration and safety forms)
  • Equipment (changing clothes, picking and adjusting of the mask)
  • Safety instructions (10 - 15 minutes)
  • Gear (Getting a gun and creating an account)
  • Gun handling instructions

During event(2-3 hours)

  • Single game is approximately 10-20 minutes and include a specific scenarios
  • Scenarios are made by organiser based on preferences and performance of individual players
  • There are breaks between games for recovery in the comfort of lobby

After event(15 minutes)

  • Return of rented equipment and changing back to civil clothing
  • Account settling and payment
  • Leaving the area, either we can drive you or by yourselves (if agreed beforehand, we can arrange barbecue, campfire, etc.)

Dou you have questions?

How many people needs to be on a private game?

Because of our field approach and costs for personnel, we regularly accept reservations from six to eight players, depending on which field are we talking about. But if agreed beforehand, we accept even two players, but in that case we need to discuss time which will suit us, or extra payment for each player missing to the recommended number of players.If there is not enough of you, but you are fine with playing with strangers, we recommend you to attend some of our public games, or create one, in more acceptable time for you, and we will find teammates suitable to your requests: from complete beginners to skilled players with their own equipment.

When should we arrive on the field? Before or on time of the reservation?

It would be best if you arrive 30 minutes before the reservation time. It takes some time to register on reception, changing clothes and picking equipment. In the remaining time you can "look around" and have a refreshment before the game.

What if we will be exhausted and won't be able to play for whole 3 hours?

We do not take prisoners, so the game can end before the end of reservation. We understand that paintball can be physically challenging, and we know that 3 hours can be too much for some. But you can calm down, it is not usual even for people who do not do sports - thanks to the breaks between games, and because of the adrenaline point of the game. You will be surprised by the performance of your body during the game.

Can we play for more than the reserved time?

If there are no reservations after you, we will be glad for your company. If your game is during the weekend or in the middle of a season, it is not probable. Our fields are visited the most in these periods, so there probably will be other reservations after yours. It is important to think about that during the reservation process. Time flies quick if you have fun, and with the breaks for refreshments it will be over faster than it seems.

Will strangers join our game?

NO, if you booked a private game, there will not be any strangers joining, as long as you will not want to.

Do we need to leave the area right after our game is finished?

There is no problem with staying after to refresh yourselves with beer or lemonade and share your experiences. It is common that players stay for couple of hours after their game.

Is it possible to book something more after our game?

If you have a special wish, share it with us. We will try our best: transport, barbecue, accommodation, finding a translator and nearly infinite other program possibilities.More about Ancillary services >>

Do you have more questions? Write us, call us or read through FAQ>>