+420 702 277 644
Price-list Price-list


It is not free, but it is worth it.

Entrance and ammunition

Entrance price per person
279 CZK / whole event
Regular length of action 3 - 5 hours
Ammunition price
1 CZK / 1 pc
Average ammunition consumption 300 pc

All the basics for the game are in the entrance fee





Safety briefing

Safety briefing

Public games calendar Public games calendar

Entrance for public games
from 149 CZK

Superior equipment

Not needed for the game Entrance and ammunition


90 CZK



70 CZK



60 CZK

Longer barrel

Longer barrel

90 CZK

Knee pads

Knee pads

50 CZK

Ancillary services

Price-lists of individual services are provided in details of that service, we will inform you about other prices after calculations and according to your conditions.

Discounts and bonuses

Public games

Public games

We provide dates in calendar of public games, which can be found here >>

School events

School events

You can use this discount in both tarrifs A and B. You can find detail and conditions for school events here >>

Organizer discount

Organizer discount

If you as a person organize a game on our field and inform us, we will provide a bonus for you. Details of the bonuses here >>

Student discount

Student discount

If you show a valid document that proves you are student (ISIC, student index) you have a right for 30% discount from private game entrance. For example if the price is 279 CZK student pays 195 CZK.

Agency and company discounts

Agency and company discounts

We enjoy long-term cooperation and we are opened to contractual prices depending on intensity of our cooperation. If you are interested  contact us >>

If you have right for any discount just inform our personnel before paying. None of the discounts are given automatically, but only on-demand. The discount can not be demanded after paying full price. If not said otherwise, discounts can not be combined, so it is always possible to use one discount, discount event, voucher, etc.

Players with their own equipment

Players with their own equipment can play on our fields for the same tariff price as others. However, these players can bring their own certificated paintballs. Powder paintballs, oil based paintballs and not certified paintballs are forbidden. If booked beforehand, these players can get paintballs on our field for discounted price. Warning! Entrance fee does not include refills of propulsive media, so it needs to be payed. We refill both CO2 and pressured air on all our fields for fixed prices. However, we recommend mentioning propulsive medium you will need in the reservation process.

Basic payment conditions

Prices included in this price-list include VAT. We are able to create individual price-list according to your demands or specified budget. We accept Euro for fixed exchange rate 23 CZK / 1 EUR.We provide membership discounts above all other commercial discounts to volunteers, supporters and members of Občanské sdružení Alternativa II, z.s. (in the future "association") with proper member status. These discounts come from sum of their member contributions (according to § 235 NOZ) in favor of the association. You can find more info about payment conditions on payment conditions >>